Problem starting Glassfish

From: <>
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 02:02:30 PDT

I have two j2ee aplications.

Ap1 have a WebService named "config", others aplications called it for configurations.

Ap2 have another WebService, and use "config" to obtain some configurations.

If I deploy Ap1 in Glassfish, everything its OK. I deploy now Ap2 and all its OK too.

But, if I stopped Glassfish, and try to start again, it's impossiblo to start, it can't finish to start.

If I modified the "domain.xml":

<application-ref disable-timeout-in-minutes="30" enabled="true" lb-enabled="false" ref="ap1"/>
<application-ref disable-timeout-in-minutes="30" [b]enabled="false"[/b] lb-enabled="false" ref="ap2"/>

If I put false, the glassfish start, and I can put enable = true in console mode... but...

can I modify glassfish configuration to do that ap2 not deploy at the same time that ap1?

My problen is that ap2 try to connect with ap1 but ap1 is not deployed yet...


Pd: Excuseme for my bad english... i'm spanish
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