Glassfish hangs during startup

From: <>
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 11:20:35 PDT


My first post on the forum...I have glassfish v2 installed on a linux box (fedora) and setup using init scripts to start (as a non-root user) when the machine boots. When I originally created the domain that I'm using and tested it from the command line, it appeared to start up and shut down without a problem, however I now notice that although the host machine boots successfully, the glassfish domain is not accessible for several minutes. A look at the log file shows that it is hanging at the line:

|ADM1079: Initialization of AMX MBeans started|#]

I see no error output and after the several minute pause, the server initialisation continues and completes successfully. Trying to start/stop the domain from a shell also produces the same problem. There are no webapps deployed in the domain and I'm using the promoted binary build v2 UR, build 03.

Any help much appreciated. Many thanks,
[Message sent by forum member 'jclesc' (jclesc)]