Glassfish Issue# 3240 / PostGis + ToplinkEssentials

From: <>
Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2007 01:18:51 PDT

Is there any Progress on Issue# 3240 [Using PostgreGIS's PGobject types does not work in v2]?

I tried the workaround from pkrogh (last comment) and set the Converter in the (PGgeomerty)-Mapping to null. But i ran into some other Problem, when using Lazy-Loading. So I tried out to build my own Converter and I wanted to know, if my solution fits into the ToplinkEssential Framework, since I'm pretty new to ToplinkEssentials JPA, but I really want to make use of the JPA Framework with PostGis.

I am using now the Type org.postgis.Geometry as Class for the persisting attributes (since org.postgis.PGgeometry contains the not-serializable BinaryParser) in the Entities and I am assigning the following Converter to all PostGis Mappings:

public class GeometryObjectConverter implements Converter {

        private final DatabaseMapping mapping;

         * @param mapping DatabaseMapping
        public GeometryObjectConverter(DatabaseMapping mapping) {
                this.mapping = mapping;

        public Object convertDataValueToObjectValue(Object dataValue,
                        Session session) {
                if (dataValue instanceof PGobject) {
                        try {
                                return new PGgeometry(((PGobject) dataValue).getValue()).getGeometry();
                        } catch (SQLException e) {
                                throw ConversionException.couldNotBeConverted(mapping, PGgeometry.class, e);
                return dataValue;

        public Object convertObjectValueToDataValue(Object objectValue,
                        Session session) {
                if (objectValue instanceof Geometry) {
                        return new PGgeometry((Geometry)objectValue);
                return objectValue;

        public void initialize(DatabaseMapping mapping, Session session) {}

        public boolean isMutable() {
                return true;

The Workaround works with with Eager-/Lazy-Loading and Glassfish Version v2ur1-b03.

Might this be a solution for Issue# 3240 or do I work on a obsolete Problem and there is already an other/better workaround/solution?
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