Is there any changes between V2 and V1 web services exception's handling?

From: legolas wood <>
Date: Sun, 07 Oct 2007 22:15:25 -0700

Thank you for reading my post
We have an application which works fine in GF v1 but it is broken in GF
v2 because one part of it does not function correctly.
we have exceptions which are thrown from a web service (web services are
called by DDI) an client should get that exception. It works fine in GF
V1 but in GF V2 it fails to work properly in some scenarios like:

Client calls web service A, Web service A calls Web service B, web
service B fails and throw an exception which A should catch and rely to
client. but it fails without any understandable error or log message. it
just shows and error like the following :
log message is null.

in some steps of the above call we have reflection in the middle to
perform some tasks.

I am wondering what could be possible cause of this problem.
