User FAQ request and other FAQ news

From: Gail Risdal <Gail.Risdal_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 05 Oct 2007 10:29:38 -0700


First, thanks for contributing to the User FAQ on GlassFish Wiki. Your
response and contributions have been great!

I added a lot of "questions without answers" to that initial User FAQ
that went public 9/7 (mostly suggested by members of the users_at_glassfish
and dev_at_glassfish mailing lists). Many of those questions have since
been answered, and new ones have been added, which is exactly how things
should be working!

There are still many unanswered questions though, and I'm wondering if
you might be able to help. If you have the time and the answer, could
you answer some of those questions? To quickly determine which questions
remain unanswered, look for questions with dashed lines on the main User
FAQ page.

Also, if there are questions on the User FAQ that you feel don't belong
there (i.e., aren't really FAQs, belong on a Dev FAQ, etc.), could you
send mail and let me know which ones should be removed?

Thanks in advance for your help with this.

Another update you might be interested in...

As you probably know, there are other legacy FAQs on the GlassFish
community site and on the GlassFish wiki (most notably a GlassFish FAQ: This situation is
confusing at best and is being addressed. Work is underway to
consolidate the FAQs and clean this up. The ultimate goal is to have a
User FAQ and a Developer FAQ, and also a general wiki FAQ for
JSPWiki-related questions.

Thanks again! Feedback is always welcome.
