Questions about grizzly

From: <>
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 23:54:49 PST

I am reading code of grizzly 1.6, and I have several questions.

1) if I use grizzly, I have to deal with nio detail?
    If this is true, it sounds bad!

2) I am wondering how to write a high performance Echo server with grizzly.
    I read the code of EchoFilter, I found that it supposed that I use thread pool !
    In EchoFilter, it calls OutputWriter.flushChannel to write data to client. But OutputWriter.flushChannel will block at select method.
if there are some slow clients,each slow client will block one thread, it's easy to make
all threads blocked!

3) For checking key timeout, after select method called and ready keys dealed with, Controller
will check whether there are any keys of the selector timeouted.
But if there are thousands of clients, this check will take some time, how can the server be of high performance?
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