Re: GlassFish V3 planning - What do *you* want in GlassFish V3?

From: John Clingan <John.Clingan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 17:43:15 -0700

On Oct 30, 2007, at 5:28 PM, Ryan de Laplante wrote:

> A couple ideas off the top of my head:
> - Provide a way (if there isn't already one) to deploy exploded
> archives, and to develop right out of that folder. Maybe even a
> pointer to some other folder (/home/ryan/dev/project1/web/) so we
> don't have to rebuild, deploy, and recreate the session when
> tweaking screens etc. I waste a lot of time doing this, and our PHP
> guys think it's funny. I hear about Tomcat users making a change
> to a JSP, pressing save then refresh.
> - Make a way for GlassFish to be used in a shared hosting
> environment where every hosting customer has their own admin
> console, virtual servers, or whatever. Let each customer deploy,
> redeploy, undeploy, manage JDBC, etc. I know there are issues with
> shared JVMs... find an innovative solution. Take over the shared
> Tomcat hosting market.

Delegated administration. This is currently listed as a "medium"
priority and we sure would like to get more feedback on this directly
from hosting providers!

> - Add support for different custom roles in the admin GUI. I want
> to be able to give our support staff access to manage JCA connection
> pools, read logs, and a few other basic things but nothing else.

Role-based access control is pretty high in the priority list. More
use cases would be helpful if you can expand on this.

> - Somewhere I read that you can't use wildcards in virutal host
> names? For example: * is served by webapp1. This
> probably prevents certain apps from being used on GlassFish, like
> JIRA? Not sure, haven't tried.

We'll look into the others. Thanks.

> Ryan
> John Clingan wrote:
>> If you have ideas of features or enhancements that you want in
>> GlassFish V3, read on!
>> GlassFish V1 was all about developer productivity and Java EE 5.
>> GlassFish V2 adds enterprise features such as clustering and
>> centralized administration. Now that GlassFish V2 has been
>> released, it is time to begin planning for GlassFish V3. Before
>> doing so, there needs to be a clear direction of where we are
>> headed. We have outlined the high level themes for GlassFish V3
>> here (feel free to provide feedback on the themes):
>> We would like to drill down a step further and begin to define
>> GlassFish V3 with community involvement. That means you! Is there a
>> feature or enhancement that you would like to see in GlassFish V3?
>> Perhaps to make it easier to use or more relevant for your work
>> environment?
>> Please feel free to participate! I'd like to begin the discussion
>> on this alias. Feel free to contact me directly as well at John dot
>> Clingan at Sun dot COM. Depending on the level of interest, we can
>> also set up a conference call and discuss in real time.
>> Here are some sample questions that may stimulate some ideas:
>> - A feature that would make software development significantly easier
>> - A feature that differentiates GlassFish V3 from other application
>> servers
>> - A feature that is available with application server X, and would
>> really benefit users if it were also in GlassFish V3
>> - GlassFish would be easier to use if ...
>> - If GlassFish had this feature I could deploy it to a broader
>> production environment
>> Thanks!
>> John Clingan
>> GlassFish / Sun Application Server Group Product Manger
>> John dot Clingan at Sun dot COM
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