Re: JBoss SAR replacement

From: Jörg Henne <>
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 13:14:46 +0200

Binod schrieb:
> Jörg Henne wrote:
>> * Deploy services other than J2EE apps. Think, for example,
>> implementations of classic UNIX services like NFS, TFTP etc.
> What exactly your app do? Would resource adapters (JSR 112) be a choice?
we are using SARs for a host of different use cases. Providing services
to the outside (not within the application server!) like in the example
I gave, which should be present once the application server is up is the
most common tune. Other use cases could be replaced by using timer beans.
RAs are not an option, I'm afraid, because they don't - to my current
knowledge - sport life-cycle hooks: they are initialized only when their
services are requested for the first time. Let's look at the TFTP
example: in that case we need to provide the TFTP service by opening the
corresponding port for UDP communication as soon as the AS is up. There
is no Web Application or EJB requesting the service by looking up a RA
connection from JNDI and therefor no way to launch the service.

Joerg Henne

levigo software gmbh  ----------  ein unternehmen der levigo gruppe
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