Re: Virtual Hosting

From: Dick Davies <>
Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2007 06:56:35 +0100

On 22/09/2007, <> wrote:
> Dick Davies wrote:
> >On 20/09/2007, <> wrote:

> >>unfortunately, GlassFish does not support wildcards in host (domain)
> >>names.

> >Sounds like name-based virtual hosting is out.

> No, what I meant was that the web container does not support
> wildcards in the alias names (i.e., the comma-separated names
> specified as the value of the "hosts" attribute) of a virtual server,
> when it attempts to map the host name of a request to one of the
> available virtual servers.

I just meant name-based hosting probably wouldn't do what the OP
wanted, but a workaround would be to use IP-based hosting.

FWIW, most servers vhost implementation
(apache included) doesn't support wildcards in serveraliases.

Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns