Hi and thanks for the response.
I tried what you suggested, having only one user in my RunAs role (the _system user), as well as setting the principal-name in sun-web.xml for that servlet. Unfortunately, this has not helped.
If I call my ejb method from the init method of the servlet, it's still executed as admin (the deployer), or null (upon restart). If I call the service() method from the web, my login (jrod) is used.
What I'm trying to do has to have been done before, I must be doing something wrong here. I want to run a servlet, ideally it's init() method, as a specified role/user.
I've created an example Netbeans (6.0) project and attached it; it includes the built project. I would appreciate if your or someone else could look at this and help me figure out what I'm doing wrong.
Thanks much!
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