Re: Help with docroot

From: Ryan de Laplante <>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 20:42:18 -0400

Wow that's great, thanks to both of you!


Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM wrote:
> wrote:
>> Search around for references to alternatedoctroot. It's in GFv2, and
>> it works really well.
>> In essence, you put an entry in your sun-web.xml (among other places).
>> <property name="alternatedocroot_1" value="from=/images/*
>> dir=/usr/gifs"/>
>> So, this would map:
>> to
>> /usr/gifs/images/pic.gif
>> The key is that you while you specify a path to mount the doc root on
>> (in this case /images), the value you give it is actually the root of
>> the request, so you need to create a /images directory underneath it.
>> So, as I said, pic.gif maps to:
>> /usr/gifs/images/pic.gif
>> vs
>> /usr/gifs/pic.gif
>> The point is subtle and it's easy to get confused when your content
>> doesn't work.
> Thanks for this reply, whartung!
> To elaborate on the "subtle point" you mention:
> When attempting to match a request to one of the context's alternate
> docroots (if any), the "context path" component of the request URI is
> ignored (this is consistent with how a request is matched to one of the
> context's declared servlets, based on their URL patterns).
> In case a match was found, the alternate resource path is computed by
> appending the request's path info (i.e., the result of calling
> HttpServletRequest.getPathInfo()) to the alternate docroot that was
> matched.
> Using your example, if you deployed your webapp at "/myroot" and accessed
> this URL:
> the request's path info would be equal to
> /images/pic.gif
> resulting in an alternate resource path of
> /usr/gifs/images/pic.gif
> Likewise, if you deployed your webapp at "/" (the root context) and
> accessed
> this URL:
> the request's path info would also be equal to
> /images/pic.gif
> resulting in the same alternate resource path of
> /usr/gifs/images/pic.gif
> Hope this helps.
> Jan
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