Using Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 (build b41d-beta2) and our JCA CICS connector I observed that during startup the application server shows the following strange behaviour:
- the AS instantiates the ResourceAdapter JavaBean of the JCA-connector, sets all properties, calls the start() method of the ResourceAdapter JavaBean, and initializes the managed connection factories defined in the ra.xml,
- then the AS stops the JCA-connector by calling the stop() method of the ResourceAdapter JavaBean, and
- immediately creates a new instance of the ResourceAdapter JavaBean
Question: Why is the first instance stopped and a second instance created?
The JCA 1.5 spec says in chapter 5.3.1: "The application server must instantiate exactly one ResourceAdapter JavaBean per functional resource adapter instance."
Considering this statement in the spec, isn't the observed behaviour of Glassfish V2 erroneous?
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