Re: Problem deploying EAR from folder structure

From: <>
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 13:14:21 PDT

Well it seems after some offline discussion, the problem might be solved!!!

I am very much looking forward to using the next build which should have this working like a charm.

Thank you so much Hong for figuring this out for us!

So in summary:
   * Name your module directories _war, _jar etc.
   * When using autodeploy it would appear that you need to name your ear directory .ear although when using the UI or the command line tool this doesn't seem to matter at all
   * If you have trouble with autodeploy try deploying with the gui or with the asadmin tool:
      # asadmin deploy MyTestEar
   * And the bug that is being discussed here, the _war directory not deploying correctly when deployed as an exploded module inside an exploded ear (and using @WebService web services) should be fixed in the next nightly build (and thus build 52 and onwards).
   * And to throw in one extra piece of info, Netbeans 6 m10 is supposed to support this type of exploded deployment, so we can all start taking advantage of it and becoming even more productive!

Thanks again to Hong!

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