Re: GF2 Virtual Server capabilities

From: <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2007 09:56:39 -0700 wrote:

>>Once a request has been mapped to the url-pattern of
>>an alternate
>>docroot, it will be served from the alternate docroot
>>only, and the
>>regular docroot will not be considered for this
>>Therefore, if your webapp contains resources a.html,
>>b.html, c.html,
>>d.html, and e.html, and you want a.html, b.html, and
>>c.html to be
>>looked up in the normal docroot, and d.html and
>>e.html to be served
>>from an alternate docroot, you need to specify
>>alternate docroot properties
>>for d.html and e.html in your sun-web.xml, as
>><property name="alternatedocroot_1"
>> value="from=/d.html
>><property name="alternatedocroot_2"
>> value="from=/e.html
>So, the key is the URL mapping, not necessarily the existence of an actual resource.


>The following wouldn't make any sense then:
><property name="alternatedocroot_1" value="from=*.html dir=<alternate-docroot-1>"/>
><property name="alternatedocroot_2" value="from=*.html dir=<alternate-docroot-2>"/>
>The server would take, in this example, d.html, map it to the first alternate docroot, say "this URL matches", and then happily return a 404 because alternate-docroot-1 doesn't actually contain d.html, it's int docroot-2. The system won't fail at the resource level, just the whole URL.

Yes. Alternate docroots follow the same url matching rules that are
specified in the servlet spec.
Those rules don't check whether a resource exists for one mapping, but
not for another.
In other words, whether a resource exists (or does not exist) for a
given mapping is irrelevant
for the url matching algorithm.

>So, to be really effective, I should do
><property name="alternatedocroot_1" value="from=/client/* dir=/home/clients_stuff"/>


>>>Finally, will it work for JSP 2.0 tag files?
>>>i.e. can I have the following files:
>>>$alternateroot/test.jsp <-- has a <%_at_taglib
>>prefix="t" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags"%> header and uses
>>both tag1 and tag2
>>It should work in principle (since the JSP compiler
>>ServletContext.getResource(), which considers
>>alternate docroots, to load a requested JSP page or
>>tag file), but I
>>have not tested it.
>I'd probably have to put the client tags in to an alternate directory, much like the earlier example.
>Thanx Jan!

You're welcome.


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