Question about GF history

From: GB Developer <>
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2007 23:01:04 -0500

Hi all,

I've looked for a bit on the wiki and can't find. Can someone point me to
an existing document, or say with authority "no, we don't have that info
written out anywhere".

I'm wondering about the history of glassfish. While I'm interested in who
and when, i'm much more interested in why.

I did find a bit of a reference:

where it says under the "To Add" section:

> Do we need to explain why we are no joining existing projects?

I'd love some details on this. How did glassfish come about? when/why did
you fork other codebases and what was the driver of that?

Just in case you're wondering why I'm interested... I'm considering a
migration to GF, and (good or bad), I don't want to base that choice on just
technical merit (real or perceived... oh, the flamebait!). All other
technical considerations being equal (or nearly equal), I'd like to take
into consideration such things as community, activity, the number of 'warm
fuzzies' I get by reading the dev list.

Also: is there a more appropriate (but active!) list for this type of
question? Perhaps that dev list, but I thought I'd start here on the
outside of the fishbowl.