I think that the forum software may be truncating your previous post. Fortunately, I think the e-mail notification contained all of it.
In the last part of the trace output is the stack trace below (plus more that I didn't include) - in fact at least five repetitions of the connection time-out. This, together with the fact that the download is stalling, suggests to me that maybe there is some networking oddity going on that might be causing both of the problems. Unfortunately, the Java Web Start log does not report the time it took to download each file, which would have been helpful.
Do you have other programs that communicate between this client and this server sytem? I don't mean other GlassFish apps, I mean totally separate software that might use the network as well. I'm just curious if the two systems seem able to talk to each other normally in other settings.
Another possibility, I suppose, is that the server system is so busy that it responds very slowly to the download request during the launch and to the connection request once the app client container is starting up and trying to contact the server.
Other than that, I'm not sure what to suggest next except to verify that the network is in good health between the two systems involved here.
- Tim
Here's the excerpt from the stack trace...
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect
at com.sun.enterprise.iiop.IIOPSSLSocketFactory.createSocket(IIOPSSLSocketFactory.java:347)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.transport.SocketOrChannelConnectionImpl.<init>(SocketOrChannelConnectionImpl.java:218)
... 32 more
Caused by: java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect
at sun.nio.ch.Net.connect(Native Method)
at sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl.connect(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.orbutil.ORBUtility.openSocketChannel(ORBUtility.java:76)
at com.sun.enterprise.iiop.IIOPSSLSocketFactory.createSocket(IIOPSSLSocketFactory.java:332)
... 33 more
[Message sent by forum member 'tjquinn' (tjquinn)]