Jan.Luehe wrote:
> This is expected to work, and is working for me.
> You've deployed your webapp at "/messingaround/MyGlossaryOneFive",
> and "ShowXMLDefs.jsp" resides at the top-level directory of your webapp,
> right?
> Is there anything else deployed underneath "/messingaround"?
> Jan
Thanks for looking at this.
- I have deployed my webapp at /messingaround/MyGlssaryOneFive
- ShowXMLDefs.jsp at the top level of my webapp at,
- Yes there are many other applications deployed under messingaround, and
messingaround is itself a context.
Thus I have (or I should say had) the following applicaiton contexts:
As I said, these all work great. Its just when I want to do an JSTL import
from a foreign context that things go wrong.
One other thing... the import is done in the file
/messingaround/xml/xml.jsp. This is under the /messingaround context.
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Contexts-and-JSTL-imports-tf3998181.html#a11372487
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