Re: Which libraries are required for Enterprise application client?

From: Legolas Woodland <>
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 13:29:26 +0330

Thanks for your reply.

does it means that we need to distribute glassfish to our client computers?


On 6/28/07, Sahoo <> wrote:
> You should use either $GLASSFISH_HOME/bin/*appclient* or Java Web Start
> to run the enterprise client application. If you use one of them, you
> don't have to worry about any classpath issues, as long as you are
> writing a portable application.
> -- Sahoo
> Legolas Woodland wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > Hi
> > Thank you for reading my post
> > Does any one know which libraries I should add to my classpath to run
> > an enterprise client?
> > I want to use UTX and web services with my application but I do not
> > know which libraies shoudl be added
> >
> > It run correctly from within netbeans but it does not run ok from
> > outside of netbeans.
> >
> >
> > Also, How i can determine which server an Enterprise Client should use?
> >
> > And how should run the enterprise application client jar file, is it
> > ok to use java -jar ....
> >
> > Thanks
> >
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