Java Web Start missing libraries...

From: <>
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2007 08:32:46 PST

Using nb 5.5.1Beta
Using glassfish 34
My source level throughout is 1.6

I'm trying to deploy my client application without success. The problem, I believe, is that there's a missing library when attempting to run my application via Java Web Start. The message on the client is as follows:

WARNING: ACC003: Application threw an exception.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jdesktop/swingx/JXTable

In my Project's Properties (under Libraries->Compile), I have the library SwingX included.

When I deploy, my app server displays the following:
ADM1006:Uploading the file to:[C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\s1astempdomain1server1737038839\SLAMonitor-app-client.jar]
deployed with moduleid = SLAMonitor-app-client
Registering ad hoc servlet: WebPathPath: context root = "/SLAMonitor-app-client", path = "'
Java Web Start services started for stand-alone app client com.sun.enterprise.appclient.jws.AppclientContentOrigin_at_1f78807 registration name=SLAMonitor-app-client, context root=/SLAMonitor-app-client, module name=

Do I have to manually add something to either application-client.xml or sun-application-client.xml?

Am I grossly missing something?

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