Re: Injection of ref to EJB fails

From: <>
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2007 11:00:33 PST

Hi Vijay

Thanks for taking care of my issue. After a (very long) serie of trial/errors, I finally manage to get rid of the problem and deploy my WebService. However, I still would like to understand what was wrong, and more particularly what's the proper way to start with a WSDL file and make sure that WSDL file is preserved at deploy time (i.e. that clients connecting to URL...?WSDL would retrieve my original WSDL and not one generated by GlassFish).

I ran wsimport:
here's what I find in the interface:
 * This class was generated by the JAXWS SI.
 * JAX-WS RI 2.0_03-b24-fcs
 * Generated source version: 2.0
@WebService(name = "HarvestPortType", targetNamespace = "")
public interface HarvestPortType {

I could successfully use an EJB to implement this interface with the following declaration:
wsdlLocation="META-INF/wsdl/HarvestProtocol.wsdl", portName="HarvestPort",
        public class HarvestManagerBean implements HarvestPortType {

However, I don't understand why I have to specify so many things in the EJB class. Unfortunately, I can't attach files to this email, so I can't send you all files (wsdl, wsimport files,...) Let me know if you need additional information.

Best regards

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