Accessing GlassFish Beans

From: Daniel Cavalcanti <>
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2007 16:15:13 -0400

I have an application that, unfurtonately, cannot be migrated to GlassFish.
It runs on Tomcat.
However, I have a stateful session bean deployed in a GlassFish cluster that
I want to access by this web app running in Tomcat.

Here is some info about the cluster -- the machine names are their
1. DAS is on tucano, domain is "collector-domain".
2. Node-agents: on tucano is "collector-tucano-nodeagent" and on arara is
3. Instances: on tucano are "collector-tucano-instance1" and
"collector-tucano-instance2" and on arara are "collector-arara-instance1"
and "collector-arara-instance2"
4. Loadbalancer is SJWS 6.1 on bentevi.

So, how can I access the stateful bean (through the cluster loadbalancer)?