Re: Odd, Semi-Reproducible Deployment Failure

From: <>
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2007 14:52:54 PST

There seem to be at least two things going on: the original error and the difficulty deleting files.

The deletion problem (in V1 as noted in the log messages) typically will not happen starting with V2 build 14. That's when we revised how we manage files during undeployment and redeployment to avoid this kind of nuisance. I assume you are not seeing those errors with your V2 tests, right? The only way to really recover from these cleanly in V1 is to restart the server.

As for the java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError error... This may be tricky to diagnose. The error implies that something odd has happened with the class loaders.

Please try turning on annotation logging to FINE which will give a little more information about what is happening when this error occurs. Annotation should take its logging level from the component that's using it at the time, in this case deployment. So try setting the deployment-level logging to FINE. You should see a series of "Getting <classname>" messages. The last one before the exception is thrown may lead us to understanding what the problem is.

I don't suppose you have a really simple test case that shows the problem that you could share with us?

- Tim
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