Performance - EJBs slows down

From: <>
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2007 12:24:14 PST


I've got one very complex operations (A, B and C). When I run it inJUnit tests (without container - pure JPA) it works quite good - A takes 30sec, B takes 65sec. and C takes 155sec. When I run it in Glassfish server (much better machine) results are: A - 120sec, B and C - doesn't work (out of memory). When I trace execution in JConsole I see - memory is a "problem" - it needs A LOT (4GB is not enough!).
Any ideas?


PS. Just to show what my process is doing:

there is ITEM which has to be "processed" (it requires to read about 20-30 details data and sum them all). ITEM can also have subITEMS (list<ITEM>). And now:
process A - take one item without subitems and processit;
process B - take one item with 3 A subitems and process eachone
process C - takes one item with 3 B subitems...
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