Re: comparing glassfish with tomcat

From: Amy Roh <Amelia.Roh_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2007 17:04:20 -0800


I've added context.xml support for GlassFish. You can define your
context.xml as follows.

1. Global context.xml <ex. glassfish/domains/domain1/config/context.xml>
which will be loaded by all webapps.

2. Virtual server context.xml specified by virtual-server property
"contextXmlDefault" in domain.xml will be loaded by all webapps of this
virtual server.

<virtual-server id="server" ... >
<property name="contextXmlDefault" value="config/context.xml.default"/>

3. Webapp context.xml </META-INF/context.xml> will be loaded by this
webapp only.


roger.keays wrote:
> Hi Jan,
> Jan Luehe wrote:
>>>>+ "Configure same webapp differently". do you do that in
> Tomcat?
>>>In tomcat I can create and configure contexts with individual context.xml
>>>files for each virtual host or in conf/server.xml like this:
>>> <Context path=""
>>> <Environment name="configFile" value="/tmp/"
>>> type="java.lang.String" override="false"/>
>>> </Context>
>>> <Context path=""
>>> <Environment name="configFile" value="tmp/"
>>> type="java.lang.String" override="false"/>
>>> </Context>
>>How important do you consider this feature?
>>I would have expected that in most cases, ISPs will host different (as
>>opposed to differently configured) webapps on different virtual
>>Would you agree? If so, can we reduce the priority (currently P1) of
>>this feature?
> Well, that's just my use case I suppose, although I don't think it is
> entirely uncommon. For example, an ISP would probably want to make a manager
> application available to all virtual hosts. Tomcat's manager doesn't need to
> be configured for each host, but this might still be useful.
> P1 does sound a bit high for this feature, but that really depends on what
> other jobs are on the task list.
> Having this feature would definitely take me one step closer to replacing
> tomcat with glassfish, but it still needs to be manageable in a shared
> environment which is something I haven't studied thoroughly. I'd be
> interested in experimenting with this though: e.g. Is there a market for
> shared Java EE hosting? Can a complete virtual server service be provided
> with EJBs *and* servlets? Can the manager app be secured and shared? What
> CPU and memory resources would be required? etc etc
> I'm currently selling shared Tomcat hosting through Gecko Hosting
> (
> Roger