Re: Deploy-VirtualServer concept is not good

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 12:13:05 -0800 wrote On 02/28/07 02:49 AM,:

>Tried a lot but now i am really frustrated.
>Its impossible to run serveral application in this constellation:
>Domain -> AppOne [Context /]
>Domain -> AppTwo [Context /]
>This is an standard scenario to run all apps with context root in order to be able to build SEO URLs.
>If i try to deploy another application with context / i get the error:
>Attribute value (context-root = /) is not unique in list of Web module context roots
>If i setup new Virtual Servers suddenly the Servlets in web application are initialized multi times.
>Dont know how, seams app will be deployed to all Virtual Server, but this causes that schedul processes are startet multiple times and thats not good.
>So could please anybody tell me, what steps i have to do, to set up correctly several applications with context /

By default, user apps are deployed to all configured virtual servers
(minus "__asadmin").
Each deployment involves creating and starting the app on its virtual

In order to deploy an app to a subset of virtual servers only, use the
argument to "asadmin deploy", or specify the target virtual servers in
the admingui.

In either case, the target virtual servers are specified as a
comma-separated list of
virtual server names.


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