Re: Default web module causes context problems. Any solution?

From: <>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2007 22:17:45 PST

Okay, here is a recap:
Under Sun Application Server 9.0, using the default web module setting, on redeploy the Web application default at / was not able to find the context name. The actual Web application path at /myweb WAS able to find the context name. Jan suggested that this problem results from the way 9.0 (Glassfish v. 1) handles default Web modules. Jan also suggested I should install Glassfish 2.0, because in that version, the default Web module is handled differently and in a way that would fix the issue.

Unlike what I had replied at first, I was eventually able to install Glassfish 2 (which was quite easy to do). I made all the same settings as in the Sun App Server 9.0 version (with regard to listeners, SSL, default web module) and, voilà, the issue was gone. I now have my virtual server default to the web application and can access the web application at and at When I redeploy the web app with Netbeans, both contexts work - the "real" one /myapp, and the default web module context /.

So, installing the newest version (Sun App Server 9.1 aka Glassfish 2) fixed the issue. I did not attempt to fix the issue in Sun App Server 9.0.

Thank you for your help!

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