Re: JMS Queue Routing

From: Daniel Cavalcanti <>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2007 10:00:51 -0500


On 2/27/07, Sivakumar Thyagarajan <> wrote:
> Daniel Cavalcanti wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I'm implementing a system based on JMS and have a question.
> > ..
> > Now, here is my question.
> > How can a send a message from the producer (it's a session bean) all the
> > way to the destination queue within a transaction, the RoutingQueue must
> > not persist messages, and I can't lose messages.
> Are you trying to handle the production of the message from the session
> bean to
> the destination queue [via an intermediate routing MDB] in _one_
> transaction?
> No, this cannot be achieved. Here is a relevant snippet from the
> "Transactions"
> section of
> "The scope of a transaction is always a single session. That is, one or
> more
> producer or consumer operations performed in the context of a single
> session can
> be grouped into a single transaction. Since transactions span only a
> single
> session, you cannot have an end-to-end transaction encompassing both the
> production and consumption of a message."
> Thanks
> --Siva.
> >
> > Any ideas are very welcome.
> > thanks,
> > Daniel.
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