Re: [Fwd: iiop over http] GF v2 b36 + ActiveMQ 4.1

From: David Harrigan <>
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2007 14:48:16 -0800 (PST)


I've put that in now.

I removed the reference in GF to the EMBEDDED broker and put in Remote,
creating a new jms host to point to localhost on port 61616 (activemq
default tcp port). I then removed the default-jms-host and assigned the
value to be activemq (the name of my new host with the activemq settings).

Now, when I start up GF, it gives me connection, I start up
ActiveMQ and this is what I get:

Service Connection URL is :mq://localhost:61616/|#]

SJSMQ JMS Resource Adapter starting...
Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 4.1
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Version: 4.1 Dev (Build 22-g)
Compile: Fri Jan 19 12:12:49 PST 2007

Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.

This product includes code licensed from RSA Data Security.

Caught JVM Exception: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string:

Caught JVM Exception: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string:

Caught JVM Exception: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string:

Caught JVM Exception: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string:

The weird symbols are being output on the trace. ActiveMQ is also

INFO TransportServerThreadSupport - Listening for connections at:
INFO TransportConnector - Connector openwire Started
INFO TransportServerThreadSupport - Listening for connections at:
INFO TransportConnector - Connector ssl Started
INFO TransportServerThreadSupport - Listening for connections at:
INFO TransportConnector - Connector stomp Started
INFO NetworkConnector - Network Connector default-nc Started
INFO BrokerService - ActiveMQ JMS Message Broker
(localhost, ID:piccolino-35643-1172011326777-1:0) started
DEBUG WireFormatNegotiator - Sending: WireFormatInfo { version=2,
properties={CacheSize=1024, CacheEnabled=true, SizePrefixDisabled=false,
TcpNoDelayEnabled=true, MaxInactivityDuration=30000,
TightEncodingEnabled=true, StackTraceEnabled=true}, magic=[A,c,t,i,v,e,M,Q]}
DEBUG Transport - Transport failed: Wire format negociation timeout: peer did not send his
wire format. Wire format negociation timeout: peer did not send his
wire format.
DEBUG TransportConnection - Stopping connection: /
DEBUG TransportConnection - Stopped connection: /

YOu know, I find it funny that both ActiveMQ and GF mention that they work
together. I've found no instructions on how to configure them to work
together - I'm trying to figure this out myself and not getting very far. I
wish it was just Plug'n'Play....

( for a reference to GF in it's Features - yet
nothing on GF - just JBoss and Geronimo).


Daniel Cavalcanti wrote:
> One of many possible points that I see is that you need to start the
> connection so that the mssages get delivered, i.e. connection.start();
> probably before you created the producer.
> On 2/20/07, David Harrigan <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying out the latest (and greatest) GF with ActiveMQ 4.1. I've
>> downloaded the Resource Adapter for ActiveMQ which conforms to the JCA
>> 1.5
>> spec.
>> * Deployed the RA in GF - no problem.
>> * Created a Connector Connection Pool called jms/connectionPool
>> * Created a Connector Resource called jms/connectionFactory configured to
>> use jms/connectionPool
>> * Created Admin Object Resource called jms/testQueue with name of
>> testQueue
>> * Under Physical Destinations in Configuration -> Java Message Service
>> created a testQueue
>> My client (producer) looks like this (stripped of ilrelevant code):
>> @Resource(mappedName="jms/connectionFactory")
>> private static ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;
>> @Resource(mappedName="jms/testQueue")
>> private static Queue queue;
>> private void doIt() throws Exception {
>> final Connection connection = connectionFactory.createConnection
>> ();
>> final Session session = connection.createSession(false,
>> final MessageProducer messageProducer =
>> session.createProducer(queue);
>> TextMessage textMessage = session.createTextMessage("Hello World!
>> ");
>> messageProducer.send(textMessage);
>> connection.close();
>> }
>> My consumer (my Message Driven Bean) looks like this:
>> @MessageDriven(mappedName = "jms/testQueue")
>> public class MessageBean {
>> @Resource MessageDrivenContext messageDrivenContext;
>> public void onMessage(final Message message) {
>> final TextMessage textMessage = (TextMessage)message;
>> try {
>> System.out.println("Received this message : " +
>> textMessage.getText());
>> } catch (final JMSException e) {
>> e.printStackTrace();
>> }
>> }
>> }
>> Now, her e comes the interesting part:
>> When I execute my App using this:
>> ./appclient -client
>> /home/david/javastuff/eclipse-3.2.1/workspace/jee5/dist/jmsclient.jar
>> I get output in the server.log
>> BUT and this is a big BUT!!
>> I haven't started ActiveMQ on my system! It's not even running anywhere!
>> I'm at a loss as why this is happening (I've deleted (I think - looks
>> like
>> that in the web console)) any reference to jmsra.
>> Anyone with any idea?
>> -=david=-
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