There is no need for the stack trace the problem has been
identified. GF Bug 1894. You can work around the issue by initializing
the version value in your objects.
Witold Szczerba wrote:
> p.s.
> Do you still want stack trace or it was just because I said
> incorrectly it was Concurrent Lock Exception?
> 2007/2/14, Witold Szczerba <pljosh.mail_at_gmail.com>:
>> Aargh... yes, sure... Of course, my fault. I was so tired I couldn't
>> think correctly.
>> It's Optimistic Lock Exception that was thrown straight at my face all
>> the time when @Version annotated field was null.
>> Witek
>> 2007/2/13, Gordon Yorke <gordon.yorke_at_oracle.com>:
>>> Are you getting a Concurrent Modification exception or an Optimistic
>>> Lock exception? If you are getting a concurrent modification exception
>>> it sounds like you may be modifying the object passed to the merge
>>> operation in a separate thread. Can you provide the stack trace.
>>> --Gordon
>>> Witold Szczerba wrote:
>>>> Hello there,
>>>> as I can see in my project, entityManager throws Concurrent
>>>> modification exception when I am using merge on non-existing entity
>>>> when it's @Version field is null.
>>>> I read that #merge should act pretty like the same as #persist when
>>>> given entity doesn't exist and ToplinkEssentials implementation does
>>>> not work that way.
>>>> Is that correct behavior?
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