Re: _at_ManyToMany = inner join but I want outer left join (i.e. optional = true)

From: Gordon Yorke <>
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2007 08:49:41 -0500

Hello, This may be caused by mapping the relationship as eager you may
wish to use lazy as a workaround. Although as I am not a hibernate
expert this is just a guess. You may want to try TopLink Essential
(the default persistence provider in glassfish). TopLink will not
perform an inner-join here unless specifically asked to do so in your
 -Gordon wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a @ManyToMany relationship declared in a class (class A) that maps to another class (class B). I notice that when I create HSQL to retrieve instances of class A for which there are no class B's available, due to the generated inner join, no class As will be returned if they don't have at least one class B associated with them. I would like class As to be returned whether or not they have any class Bs associated with them (i.e. a left outer join not an inner join in the generated SQL).
> Given that @ManyToMany does not offer an optional setting, does anyone know how I might do this?
> Thanks,
> Matthew
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