Hello again,
I don't know what's wrong, but everything indicates that there is some
problem with either ToplinkEssentials or Glassfish. In my case, when I
am persisting large amount of data, few/several thousands entities
using merge or persist, Glassfish takes more and more memory and
finally it runs out of resources crashing at the end with
After switching from Toplink to Hibernate it worked very well, I mean
I can persist as many entities as I want and Glassfish keeps memory on
low level. However I would like to stay with TopLink as (1) it's
already integrated with Glassfish and (2) NetBeans includes
pre-configured libraries for it as well, which gives me much more time
to focus on application instead of server configuration... We've found
that in my team when my friend was trying to write an import module
which adds large amount of data from 3rd party or legacy data sources
into our application.
Is this possible there are memory leaks in ToplinkEssentials?
Did someone else bring up this subject before?