Re: High availability support in glassfish?

From: Peter Fabian <Peter.Fabian_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2007 20:55:43 +0100

legolas wood wrote:
> Hi
> Thank you for reading my post.
> -Is there any document that explain what is state of clustering
> support in Glassfish application server?
glassfish v2 is the forthcoming release wiuth clustering support , (beta
is coming later this month)
read this for an intro:
> -Where i can find release/feature/date matrix ?
glassfish v2 is the forthcoming release, beta is coming later this month

>-Is there any high availability support in Glassfish, if not is it
planned for release 2.0 ? if it is planned up to what level ?

eg session faliover:

Peter Fabian
Sun Software