Re: 3 issues using Glassfish

From: Binod <Binod.Pg_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2006 20:20:40 +0530

Binod wrote:

> Filippo Diotalevi wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm using Glassfish V1 UR1 for a project. The complete (development)
>> environment is:
>> Ubunty 6.04 + Glassfish 6.06 + (external) Open Message Broker +
>> PostgreSQL 8.09
>> Everything is going quite well, but I'm observing 3 different issues.
>> I'd be grateful if anyone of you could tell me if they're bugs or if
>> they are simply misconfigurations of my environment. Obviously, if you
>> need further details or a more precise test cases I can try to detail
>> better these issues.
>> 1) I've got a session ejb which uses (creates) the timer service. The
>> timer service is injected into the ejb:
>> {
>> @Resource TimerService timerService;
>> public void createTimer(long intervalDuration) {
>> timerService.createTimer(intervalDuration, intervalDuration,
>> "Created new timer");
>> }
>> }
>> The createTimer method is called by a ServletContextListener.
>> At application server startup, I have an exception because the ejb
>> container cannot resolve the resource TimerService. It seems to me
>> that the ServletContextListener executes the createTimer method
>> *before* the AS initializes the TimerService. Is it possible?
>> I haven't seen this behavior with Glassfish build-48. If I deploy the
>> application while the AS is still running, I don't see this error.
> Look like this is the same as
>> 2) (This is a minor issue, but disturbing during development)
>> If I configure an external JMS_HOST and this host is down or not
>> reachable, the startup of the application is extremely slow. Not only
>> the startup of the AS, but the first time I access a web page of my
>> application it takes *some minutes* for the AS to show it.
>> The server.log shows some exceptions:
>> [#|2006-11-10T14:33:09.255+0100|WARNING|sun-appserver-pe9.0|javax.jms|_ThreadID=10;_ThreadName=main;_RequestID=37b23e2f-6cf8-4f97-95aa-a1ff11f37629;|[I500]:
>> Caught JVM Exception: Connection refused|#]
> Which build are you using? This is a jms bug and is apparently fixed
> in 9.0 UR1 b10

Also, you could perhaps modify the reconnect configuration in the
domain.xml to avoid reconnecting.

     <jms-service addresslist-behavior="random"
addresslist-iterations="3" default-jms-host="default_JMS_host"
init-timeout-in-seconds="60" reconnect-attempts="3"
reconnect-enabled="true" reconnect-interval-in-seconds="5"
type="EMBEDDED"> <jms-host admin-password="admin"
admin-user-name="admin" host="jlab512.India.Sun.COM"
name="default_JMS_host" port="7676"/>

Above configuration is the default. Please change it as per your need.

- Binod.

>> 3) This is a really disturbing bug.
>> I have two ears deployed in my domain. Let's call them A.ear and B.ear.
>> Now I choose to redeploy B.ear, so I click on redeploy but
>> erroneously I choose A.ear.
>> The administrative web applications correctly signal the error: I
>> cannot deploy A.ear again (in fact I cannot have 2 web applications
>> with the same context root)
>> So I click on cancel, and now the Enterprise Applications page shows 2
>> ears deployed, whose names are:
>> - A.ear
>> - null
>> Now every operation (undeploy, redeploy) I try to do on the 'null'
>> ear causes
>> - a nullpointer exception
>> - the death of the servlet container thread
>> It is impossible to undeploy the 'null' application with the asamind
>> command as well.
> Not sure, what is happening.... Someone else in the alias might know.
> thanks,
> Binod.
>> Ok, that's all. Anyone experiencing the same problems?
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