Re: Ejb default name in JNDI

From: <Jason.Huang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2006 19:50:09 +0800

Hi, Filippo

This is a table in this page

I copy the table here. FYI.
"4. If no global JNDI name has been specified, a default global JNDI
name will be generated according to the following table...."
Bean has 2.x Home/Remote interfaces
        Total # of 3.0 Remote Business interfaces
        default JNDI name
        fully-qualified name of Home interface
        fully-qualified name Remote Business interface
        2 or more
        No default -- JNDI name must be specified
        1 or more
        No default -- JNDI name must be specified


Best Regards,

Filippo Diotalevi wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to find in the specification document what's the default
> name assigned to an EJB in the JNDI register when no-one is specified,
> but I don't see a clear answer.
> F.i., I have a stateless ejb
> ----
> package org.acme;
> @Remote
> public interface Calculator { ...}
> ----
> package org.acme;
> @Stateless
> public class CalculatorImpl implements Calculator { .. }
> ----
> what will be its name in the JNDI register?
> Thanks