Problems loading page in IE

From: Peter Havelaar <>
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2006 15:19:28 +0100

Hello everyone,

I have made a platform for delivering dynamic content based on standard HttpServlet's.
My problem is, nomatter what I try, that in Internet Explorer after the page has been created and delivered the screen stays blank for what seems a random amount of time. Sometimes the page shows immediately, sometimes it takes more then 20 seconds.
Checking the log it shows that my servlet has already left the doGet handler and sniffing the network it shows there are no more packets going out while the page shows blank. No packets are transmitted anymore after my servlet is done, still for some reason IE is still waiting for more content (it says Opening page.... at status bar, yet no more blue progress bar is shown).
When I look at the html source in IE when the page is blank it shows that not all the content is loaded yet. (yet according to the sniffer it has been delivered)
There seems to be no problem at all using Firefox.
Checking the web all I could find was a reference to a bug in IE concerning connections that don't get closed properly on the server end.

- Does anybody know about this problem?
- if so, what is it?
- and how do I fix it/work around it?

Thanks in advance,
Peter Havelaar