Thanks Sahoo. It's much clearer after your explanation to understand chapter
5 of the spec. Sometimes, a couple of sentences are better than 20 pages ;o)
2006/11/16, Sanjeeb Kumar Sahoo <>:
> Hi Antonio,
> 1) For @Stateless or @Stateful, *name* attributes defines the name of
> the EJB which is same as <ejb-name> in ejb-jar.xml. The default value
> for this is the unqualified name of the EJB class.
> 2) mappedName when supported by a container can be used to specify a
> product specific name which, in case of GlassFish, is the global JNDI
> name of the EJB. You have observed this behavior.
> The values supplied by name and mappedNamethese can be used in EJB
> clients while using @EJB or equivalent constructs. If your client is
> packaged in the same application as the EJB, then it can refer the EJB
> using *name* of the EJB, else it should refer the EJB using the global
> JNDI name.
> 3) For @PersistenceContext, *name* is the name of the PersistenceContext
> reference. It is the name by which the entity manager is made available
> in the component's context. It is used when user looks up the entity
> manager using JNDI API. If user is injecting an EntityManager, then it
> is not required.
> 4) As you have observed, unitName is the name of the persistence unit
> that is used to create the entity manager.
> Hope this helps. Please take a look at chapter #5 of the Java EE 5
> platform spec where this is very nicely explained.
> Thanks,
> Sahoo
> Antonio Goncalves wrote:
> > Hi everybody. I'm getting a bit confused with some EJB annotations
> > attributes.
> >
> > The first one is @Stateless (or @Stateful). What is the name attribute
> > used for ? In the specification it says that it's the name of the EJB.
> > But on the other hand, when I change it nothing happens but when I use
> > the mappedName attribute (which is vendor specific), it really changes
> > the name of my EJB in the JNDI tree. For example :
> >
> > @Stateless(mappedName = "ejb/stateless/Catalog")
> > public class CatalogBean implements CatalogRemote, CatalogLocal {}
> >
> > This changes the name of the EJB to "ejb/stateless/Catalog". But if I
> > use the attribute name, the name doesn't change.
> >
> >
> > The other one is @PersistenceContext. The name attribute doesn't lead
> > me anywhere (I can't see any difference in using it or not) ant the
> > other is unitName that has to be equal to the persitent unit name
> > within the persistence.xml file. The spec doesn't talk about any
> > vendor specific attribute but I don't understand what the name
> > attribute can be used for.
> >
> > Does any body has clearer ideas than I have ?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Antonio
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