releasing ports faster

From: vince kraemer <Vince.Kraemer_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2006 15:51:50 -0700

I am working on an issue with the NetBeans profiler and the application
server built from the GlassFish Project codebase.

If I repeatedly 'Profile Main Project' the IDE appears to restart the
app server before the instance that the NetBeans profiler stopped is
completely shutdown....

I think this is the case because I see this output in the log..

Profiler Agent Communication Thread;|Profiler Agent: Connection with
agent closed|#]


Profiler Agent: Initializing...
Profiler Agent: Options:
Profiler Agent: Initialized succesfully
Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 9.0_01 (build b10)

Profiler Agent: 250 classes cached.
conflict occured on port 3700 . Server is shutting down.|#]

notification to server...server|#]

shutdown complete.|#]

If I 'Profile Main Project' again, things seem to work...

It isn't a huge issue, but it would be nice to find out if there is a
way to shorten up the time that the dying app server process holds ports...