Re: WSGEN Classpath

From: Shreedhar Ganapathy <Shreedhar.Ganapathy_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2006 12:05:31 -0800

Hi Kenneth
You can browse here

Take a look at the code as well as build.xml which shows how the
packaging is done.

If you have cvs access, you can use the command:
cvs co glassfish/appserv-tests/devtests/webservice/annotations/libdependent/

Similar browse path/steps for the ejb annotated lib dependent example.

Hope this helps.

Shreedhar Ganapathy

Kenneth Clark wrote:
> Where do I find
> glassfish\appserv-tests\devtests\webservice\annotations\libdependent?
> Vijay Ramachandran wrote:
>> How are you packaging it ? Checkout
>> glassfish\appserv-tests\devtests\webservice\annotations\libdependent
>> for a sample servlet endpoint using classes in a library. Checkout
>> glassfish\appserv-tests\devtests\webservice\ejb_annotations\libdependent*
>> for a sample EJB endpoint using classes in a library.
>> Vijay
>> Kenneth Clark wrote:
>>> Thanks very much. I did what you suggested and it works now.
>>> BUT
>>> Now when I deploy the JAR webservice it gives me:
>>> Deploying application in domain failed; Deployment Error -- null
>>> Deployment Error -- null
>>> CODE
>>> @Stateless
>>> @WebService(serviceName = "CompanyWebService")
>>> public class CompanyServiceBean implements CompanyService {
>>> public CompanyServiceBean(){
>>> }
>>> @WebMethod(operationName="fetchCompany")
>>> public CompanyResponse getCompany(CompanyRequest cRequest){
>>> CompanyResponse cResponse = null;
>>> try{
>>> Response response =
>>> ResponseImpl.getDefaultFactory().create("This is the repsonse", true);
>>> cResponse =
>>> CompanyResponseImpl.getDefaultFactory().create(cRequest.getCompany(),
>>> response);
>>> }catch(CloneNotSupportedException e){
>>> }
>>> return cResponse;
>>> }
>>> }
>>> I have put the library containing the CompanyResponse etc in
>>> glassfish/domains/domain1/lib and restarted the domain. A simple web
>>> service returning a String works but this one just won't deploy.
>>> Sorry about all the dumb questions. I have not put any deployment
>>> descriptors in place as I am under the impression that this is not
>>> needed with the annotations?
>>> Regards
>>> Kenneth
>>> Jitendra Kotamraju wrote:
>>>> Kenneth Clark wrote:
>>>>> Just had an interesting battle with the wsgen tool and the -cp arg.
>>>>> Scenario
>>>>> I have a jar library external to my web service (it is a custom
>>>>> library that many web services will feed off)
>>>>> if in the -cp arg I put the physical path to the library (not
>>>>> packaged, extracted) and try run the wsgen tool it tell me it can
>>>>> find files but if I put the library in the same directory that I
>>>>> am running the wsgen tool from it worked.
>>>>> It also works if I put it in the PATH environment variable.
>>>>> example
>>>>> (library file)
>>>>> in a directory structure
>>>>> drive:\classes
>>>>> company.webservices.ServiceEndPointClass (webservice file)
>>>>> in a drictory structure
>>>>> drive:\webservice
>>>>> WSGEN
>>>>> drive:\webservice>wsgen -cp drive:\classes
>>>>> company.webservices.ServiceEndPointClass -wsdl
>>>> Put both library classes as well as webservice classes in the
>>>> classpath.
>>>> wsgen -cp drive:\classes;drive:\webservice
>>>> company.webservices.ServiceEndPointClass -wsdl
>>>> Jitu
>>>>> will return an error stating that the class (ClassName) cannot be
>>>>> found (this is based on the assumption that ClassName is being
>>>>> used by the web service).
>>>>> Am I doing something really stupid? Is this normal behaviour?
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