Re: User Experience: Profiles

From: kedar <Kedar.Mhaswade_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2006 12:03:55 -0700


Nazrul Islam wrote:
> Kedar,
> Thanks for attending the discussion about profiles.
Thank you.
> In the spirit of promoting asynchronous discussions using email, I am
> going to ask some questions that is probably in everyone's mind. I
> encourage everyone to jump in and make this an interesting discussion.
> As the module lead, Kedar is committed to track all of your inputs.
Yeah, sure.
> 1. In what scenarios a developer or system administrator may find the
> new profile feature useful? In other words, what is new and exciting
> from profile in GlassFish v2?
It is a step towards extensibility.
Administrators can define (with some limitations) arbitrary profiles that
are of interest to them. The code changes will enable such loosely-coupled
domain configuration creation. For V2, we plan to "include" developer,
enterprise and cluster profile support everywhere. By doing this in an
extensible manner, we make provision for pluggability.
> 2. Steve asked about doing things dynamically in the morning. We don't
> plan to support that in v2. Follow on to that, what can a user
> configure in the profile with a server re-start?
Not sure about the question. What Steve asked more related to doing things
"on-the-fly". For V2, we are not considering it because it might add
complexity. For example, if a developer has played with developer profile
domain and is happy with it and now wants to try the cluster-specific
s/he has to wait till V3, or create another domain with profile=cluster :)

Another reason is the amount of code-changes that might have to happen
for this release to do it right. It may not be pragmatic to do it for V2.
> 3. It seems we are not allowing user to move from "development"
> profile to "cluster" or "enterprise". Why do we have the artificial
> limitation when the bits are already available? For example, why is it
> not possible to move from "cluster" to "enterprise" by coping the hadb
> bits to the "lib" directory (and possibly change something in a conf
> file)?
Doing an official support for this might be a good thing only
when we have predefined profiles. A generic solution might not
be possible (or at least is hard).

Think of provision of profiles as a means to do anything that is
required at the create-domain time. Don't limit it to certain predefined
ones. If a user wants the domain creation process to do additional things,
it should be straightforward to do.
> 4. It was mentioned that we are not able to do some of the features
> because of time and resource. What can we expect to see in profile in
> GlassFish v3?
Oh, sky is the limit.
We can think of a custom profile CLI and GUI where user can configure each
and every configuration setting at the time of domain creation. For example,
if I want to create 2 administrative users, one having super-user access and
other having a read-only access, if I want to configure 3 jdbc-resources
to various databases etc. then it should be possible right here.

> 5. Should profile name be part of the diagnostic report so that it is
> clear for support organization (Tim asked this type of question) ? We
> will need to update the product page in since we will have
> only one version of the product. What are other known issues that we
> need to keep track?
I am not sure if I should decide this as it applies to Sun's
official "product" distributions. These are good questions, but maybe
that there is a more appropriate forum for it elsewhere.

Thanks and regards,