Re: [WebService] Cannot see WSDL or test my WebService

From: Vijay Ramachandran <Vijay.Ramachandran_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2006 09:23:29 -0700

This is a bug which has been fixed in GFv2-b23


Antonio Goncalves wrote:
> Interesting. I've just moved from Glassfish V2b21 to V2b19 and
> redeployed my WebService. This time, the link to the WSDL file works
> but when I click on Test, instead of opening a popup, I've got the
> folowing exception :
> javax.servlet.ServletException: PWC1244: Servlet execution threw an
> exception
> Provider
> not found
> Any idea ?
> 2006/10/17, Antonio Goncalves <
> <>>:
> Hi,
> I've developed a simple WebService and I'm trying to test it with
> the admin console but can't (Glassfish V2bv21). The admin console
> display a "null" link for the WSDL file and clicking on "Test"
> opens a popup window with the right menu of the admin console on
> it... that's all.
> I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Here are my steps :
> 1 - Develop a simple web service
> @WebService
> public class Validation {
> @WebMethod(operationName = "ValidateCard")
> @WebResult(name = "isCardValid")
> public boolean validateCreditCard(@WebParam
> (name="creditCardNumber") String ccNumber,
> @WebParam
> (name="creditCardType") String ccType,
> @WebParam
> (name="expiryDate") String ccExpiryDate) {
> (...) business code (...)
> }
> 2 - Generate artifacts with WSGen (I have to say i got a bit
> confused because I didn't know if I had to use apt or wsgen). I
> get and
> classes
> 3 - Package all these 3 classes with web.xml and sun-jaxws.xml
> into a war file
> --> sun-jaxw.xml
> <endpoints xmlns=''
> version='2.0'>
> <endpoint
> name='ValidationService'
> implementation=' com.barkbank.validator.Validation'
> url-pattern='/validation'/>
> </endpoints>
> --> web.xml
> <web-app version="2.5" (...) >
> <listener>
> <listener-class></listener-class>
> </listener>
> <servlet>
> <servlet-name>ValidationService</servlet-name>
> <servlet-class></servlet-class>
> </servlet>
> <servlet-mapping>
> <servlet-name>ValidationService</servlet-name>
> <url-pattern>/validation</url-pattern>
> </servlet-mapping>
> </web-app>
> 4 - and deploy. I can see my web app and WebService in the
> console... but I cannot test it or see the wsdl file.
> What am I doing wrong ?
> Thanks,
> Antonio