Re: Quality of Project GlassFish

From: Marina Vatkina <Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 08 Jun 2006 15:45:55 -0700


Can we please clarify this? I was told before that the number of tests run
on a nightly and a promoted build are the same, and the nightly can fail
the tests and the promoted must pass them all. Your numbers are different.


Raj Premkumar wrote:
> Apologies for the delay getting this information out, but I wanted to
> make sure I had as much information as possible. Please see my response
> inline.
> On May 23, 2006, at 12:51 AM, Nazrul Islam wrote:
>> During the GlassFish BOF 0251
>> <>,
>> few developers asked about the quality of the Application Server. From
>> the GlassFish Quality Portal
>> <>, it is not
>> clear how much testing is being done. Could we share the "quality
>> matrix" with the community?
> Here's some relevant information. We'll post this to the Quality page
> shortly.
> Platforms
> Solaris Sparc 9/10, Sol X86 9/10
> Solaris Sparc/X86 64 bit
> Win XP, Win 2003, Win 2K
> Linux 3.0, 4.0
> Mac OS (Tiger)
> Databases and Drivers
> Oracle, Derby, MS SQL, MySQL, Sybase, DB2, PostGres
> Postgres Driver, Datadirect Driver 3.5.26 (Type 4), Oracle Thin Driver
> ( ( Type 2 ),IBM Driver Type 2,Connector/J Driver
> 3.1,Native Derby driver
> JDK Versions
> JDK 1.5_06, JDK 1.5_04, JDK 1.6 beta, JDK 1.6 beta2
>> The following questions may be good to answer...
>> 1. How may test cases were executed and passed for the recent FCS
>> release?
> For the last FCS release, there were 33,400 compatibility tests and
> 17,547 functional tests executed.
>> 2. How many bugs were fixed for the recent FCS release? Latest bug
>> trend.
> 1,793 bugs were fixed for this release! We're working hard on
> significantly expanding the bug information available. Expect to see
> charts, a unified bug list and other dynamic information soon.
>> 3. What is the current code coverage?
> Code coverage is currently in the planning stages. We'll publish a
> schedule as soon as the plan is finalized.
>> 4. How many test cases passed on a nightly build?
> Quicklook tests = 62
> Functional Smoke Tests = 37
> Compatibility Smoke Tests = 347
> The latest promoted and nightly results are now available on the quality
> page.
>> 5. How many test cases passed a promoted build?
> I'm still in the process of fully tracking this down; I can tell you
> that 6476 tests are run for the core functionality alone per promoted build.
>> 6. How can people help?
> We're looking for contributors to our unified test framework where we
> will be working out architectural issues of the new framework.
> We're also looking for web content. If you have tested GlassFish with
> an application and you'd like to share your experience please let us know!
> Read our quality mailing list regularly and get involved solving a
> problem that piques your interest!
>> 7. What are the plans for next version?
> Future plans/enhancements will be discussed on the quality mailing list.
> If it seems slow this week, many engineers are taking a break
> after releasing GlassFish and participating at JavaOne.
>> 8. Is is possible for us to some how quantify quality? Do we know
>> if quality improved since J2EE 1.4 SDK (8.x code base)?
> Here are some metrics that can help quantify GlassFish quality:
> - 3,117 new tests were added
> - 1,793 bugs fixed
> - 25 Apps and Frameworks sanity tested
> - 48 builds tested with a passing rate of 98%
> Stay tuned for more!
> -- Raj
>> 9. etc.
>>Nazrul Islam - (408) 276-6468 - Sun Microsystems, Inc.