RE: Re: createQuery() NPE

From: Jason Lee <>
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2006 16:05:08 -0500

I was probably injecting the EM at that point, but I've since switch to
inject an EMF due to threading issues.

Jason Lee
-----Original Message-----
From: Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2006 6:49 PM
Subject: Re: createQuery() NPE
EntityManagerWrapper means that you either injecting or looking up an
EM, not creating it from EMF. Is this the case?
Jason Lee wrote:
> By "package" I meant archive.  It's in the META-INF/ directory of the 
> same archive (.war) that holds the classes in question.
> Unfortunately, as far as the NPE goes, I don't have much to go on.
> Here's all I have from the server logs :
> [#|2006-06-06T15:14:33.110-0500|INFO|sun-appserver-pe9.0|javax.enterpr
> is 
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> 	at
> com.sun.enterprise.util.EntityManagerWrapper.createQuery(EntityManager
> Wr
> 	at
> com.iecokc.chronos.model.dao.impl.ChronosDaoJpaImpl.getJobs(ChronosDao
> Jp
> 	at com.iecokc.chronos.test.TestBean.getJobs(
> I can't use NetBeans, as Eclipse is the corporate standard.  
> I have Googled, but not found anything of value.  Of course, it's 
> likely that my choice of keywords isn't correct, so I continue to try 
> slightly different searches, but I'm not having any success thus far.
> I had forgotten about the verifier, which pointed out some issues it 
> had with my persistence.xml, which I though was spec compliant, but I 
> made the changes anyway, just to be sure.  The errors still persisted 
> until I moved the entity beans, the DAO, and META-INF/persistence.xml 
> to a separate jar file in the root of the ear, at which point things 
> started working.  I'm confused as to why that would have made a 
> difference.  It is my understanding that it ought to work, but either 
> my understanding is flawed, or I was missing something fundamental. :|
> At any rate, I got it working.  Why it works I'll leave to another
> ;)
> Thanks for your help.
> --
> Jason Lee
> Programmer/Analyst
> ________________________________
> From: Ludovic.Champenois_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Ludovic.Champenois_at_Sun.COM]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2006 3:16 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: createQuery() NPE
> Jason Lee wrote: 
> 	Well, I thought I could whip this one on my own, but I'm just
> having a very good day so far. :P  I have the EM now injected 
> correctly, but when I call  em.createQuery("select j from Job j"); i 
> get a NPE.  Job is an annotated class (@Entity, @Table, @Id and 
> Serializable, fwiw) in the same package as the PU file, which also 
> references the class explicitly.  em.isOpen() returns true, but any 
> other call on the object results in an NPE.  It has to be something 
> subtle I'm missing, as some working code we have looks extremely 
> similar.
> Obviously, for such 'subtil' issues, we need much more than 'I get a 
> NPE' description...
> Maybe you could 'google' this exception to see if it is mentioned 
> somewhere.
> Using tools like NetBeans 5.5 can also avoid many common mistakes. 
> You can also run the verifier tool to track advanced errors
> (.../bin/verifier(.bat/.sh) archivename).  The verifier tool is also 
> in NetBeans 5.5.
> I am not sure why you say 'same package as the PU file...' The PU file
> should not be in a package, but in in a META-INF dir.
> Ludo
> 	  I'm just having trouble tracking it down.  Anyone have any
> hints off the top of their head?  Thanks!
> 	--
> 	Jason Lee
> 	Programmer/Analyst
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