Re: OpenCMS suffering session reset too

From: Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2006 01:15:58 -0300

May be the problem is related to the amount of information being sent
to/from browser?
For example, JSF, that gives constant errors, has an huge hidden field
with lot's of information. As far as I could see, the problem with
OpenCMS occur when I type lots of information (and take longer than some
minutes). If I copy/paste then submit, error don't occur.

I really need help on this problem.



Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter escreveu:
> Hi!
> Just to report that is very difficult to advance with
> testing/deployments using SunAPP/Glassfish if I could not manage the
> problem of "session reset".
> Now, besides I could get OpenCMS running very well under Sun App 9, I
> can't put content, because session is reset from time to time.
> There is any way I can disable NIO and use plain
> I need urgent help, because I have at least three projects waiting for
> resolution for this problem.
> Thanks,
> Richter
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