Session problems

From: Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2006 00:06:04 -0300

Well, resume of my last 5 days of testing is that I have:
 - session that reset automatically after unknown source of IOException
 - session that is never released for unknown reason, occurring randomly
based on server restarts...

The first problem, AFAIK, occur with three servers tested locally:
SunAppServer 9, Glassfish b48 and Glassfish ur1 b01.

The second problem, I never seen on Glassfish b48/ur1 b01, so can be
"service" related (Sun App Server 9 is started as service automatically
on XP machine).

Every test was done dozens of times on XP SP2 machine running as server,
Internet Explorer 6 and Firefox XP/IE has every updated
released until today.

Tested in multi-home network adapter/single network adapter. Tested with
internet connection and without. Teste with wireless G network (11mpbs).
Tested with Pocket Internet Explorer. Tested with WAP browser.

*Important: all tests made on WinXP with default 10 connection limits
and expanded 500 connection limits*.

Today I'll repeat all tests with UR1 b02. After that, I'll make some
tries with *nix.

I'll appreciate any tips.
