Re: Integrate solution to Issue 669 into UR1

From: Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2006 15:31:26 -0300

Thank you, I'll try that and let you know if find some issue.


Ryan Lubke escreveu:
> Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter wrote:
>> Is possible to integrate solution for IZ 669 into Glassfish UR1?
>> Is very boring don't be able to use custom Javascript actions in JSF...
>> I just downloaded UR1 FCS, and problem reamains.
>> I read is possible to download latest JSF from maven, but when I
>> install updated JSF into Glassfish, resource injection stops to work
>> (message "resource injection is DISABLED".
>> Thanks,
>> Richter
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> We plan to update the UR1 GlassFish release, but we have a few items
> we're
> waiting on.
> In the mean time, you can re-enable resource injection by
> editing GF_HOME/domains/domain1/config/default-web.xml
> and adding the following context initialization parameter:
> <context-param>
> <param-name>com.sun.faces.injectionProvider</param-name>
> <param-value>com.sun.faces.vendor.GlassFishInjectionProvider</param-value>
> </context-param>
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