Overriding mappings in a persistence unit

From: vince kraemer <Vince.Kraemer_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2006 09:45:32 -0700

Say I have a persistence unit created against a database, with the
mapping defined in the annotations.

After my war or ear that uses that persistence unit is in production for
a while, the DBA realizes that they need to tweak the database schema,
creating a database'...

How would I modify my PU without recompiling the classes?

Could I change the mapping without reconstructing the PU in any manner
at all?

Back in the bad old days, I could change the mapping in the data in the
JSR-88 plan file (since it was vendor specific) and redeploy my
ejbjar/ear file...

Is JPA/EJB3/JavaEE5 flexible enough to do that?
