Re: name resolution in JNDI WRT Annotations

From: Hong Zhang <Hong.Zhang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 11:41:02 -0500

Hi, Joseph

> I'm a little lost here. I'm trying to create an MDB, but I'm not sure
> how to look up the mapped resources - I have a queue and a connection
> factory defined, but when I use the canonical names, they never
> resolve. When I use netbeans to create the references, it uses a
> "Name" attribute, but using that name doesn't resolve either; I guess
> I'm just not sure how to connect local contexts to the global JNDI
> context.
> Can anyone explain how this works in glassfish for me?
There are two ways you can map the logical jndi name (the resource
reference name that you use to look up in your code) to the physical
logic name (the name that you create the resource with, or the global
jndi name you referred to).

1. using the sun specific deployment descriptor files
2. using the mappedName attribute of the Resource annotation.

You can look at this simple mdb test as an example:

In this example, a message connector factory
"jms/ejb_ejb30_hello_mdb_QCF" (i.e. the physical jndi name) is created:
asadmin create-jms-resource --restype javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory

1. And in the Client code, it uses the mappedName attribute to map the
logical jndi name "FooCF" to the physical jndi name
   @Resource(name="FooCF", mappedName="jms/ejb_ejb30_hello_mdb_QCF")
    private static QueueConnectionFactory queueConFactory;

2. Alternatively, you could have this in the Client code without the
mappedName attribute:
       private static QueueConnectionFactory queueConFactory;

    Then in the sun-application-client.xml, you will provide this mapping

Lastly, in the Glassfish 9.0, we have implemented some runtime
defaulting mechanism for global jndi names. When the logical jndi name
is the same as physical jndi name, no mapping is needed. You could get
more details on this from this blog:

Hope this helps,

- Hong