Thanks. That is helpful. But is there a way to configure the loggers
so that they supply class name / line number?
Qingqing Ouyang wrote:
> I normally grep on the message ID "DPL8007" to see the message key
> that is used in the java code. Then grep on the message key....
> For example:
> [qouyang_at_sabu appserv-commons]$ find . -name \*.properties | xargs
> grep DPL8007 | grep Invalid
> ./src/java/com/sun/logging/enterprise/system/tools/deployment/"DPL8007:
> Invalid Deployment Descriptors element {0} value {1}"
> [qouyang_at_sabu appserv-commons]$ find . -name \*.java | xargs grep
> enterprise.deployment.backend.invalidDescriptorMappingFailure
> .. there are a few places that uses this message key ...
> wrote:
>>I'm seeing this message in my server.log:
>>Invalid Deployment Descriptors element endpoint-address-uri value
>>How can I find out the class / line number where this SEVERE issue was logged?
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