Trouble deploying ear from NB 5.5

From: Joseph B. Ottinger <>
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 09:05:27 -0500 (EST)

I've been playing with the NetBeans 5.5 preview and Glassfish b39. I'm
having some trouble deploying a very simple application, and I don't know

Basically, the application has two stateless session beans, one that's
basically a "Hello, World" EJB and the other is pretty simple as well,
implementing a timer service almost verbatim from the Java EE tutorial.

The web application has the stock welcome pages and a servlet context
listener, which uses the timer bean to start and stop the timers. None of
this is really stretching the envelope.

At almost every stage of development, I've been calling the verifier, to
make sure everything passes, correcting every verification error as soon
as they occur.

However, when I go to deploy the application, I get this error:

Deploying application in domain failed; Error loading deployment
descriptors for module [infomonster] --
com.sun.enterprise.deployment.annotation.AnnotationInfo_at_1f293df Error
loading deployment descriptors for module [infomonster] --

I get this consistently, and whether I tell glassfish to run the verifier
on deployment or not. The deployment descriptors look valid; I checked
schema references to make sure they were right (and I haven't manually
changed them from NetBeans' Java EE defaults anyway.)

The SimpleTimerBean uses a @Resource for the TimerService, as well as a
@Timeout annotation; the servlet context listener has an @EJB reference
for the SimpleTimerLocal reference, and the .war has the ejb jar in
WEB-INF/lib (which IMO shouldn't be necessary, but I'm trying everything
here!) -- I put the ejb-jar in the .war by explicitly putting it in the
packaging section of the war from Netbeans and manually made sure it was

The verifier, like I said, shows no errors from this .ear, but deployment
fails. I am a bit at a loss as to why this is happening. I would be fine
if the verifier failed as well as deployment, or the deployment succeeded
along with the verifier, but... the message gives me no clue as to what
the failure is, or how to fix it, and it's *only* on deployment.

Can anyone point me to what I might be doing wrong? (I'll be glad to
provide the .ear or sources if you like.)

Joseph B. Ottinger