Inviting GlassFishExtras Contributions

From: Shreedhar Ganapathy <shreedhar.ganapathy_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 07 Mar 2006 12:45:17 -0800

Hello all
With a view to spurring adoption of GlassFish, we are looking for
contributions to the community sharing your experiences with deploying
and running various frameworks, applications and technologies on
GlassFish. These are being captured in the GlassFishExtras page
<>. Contributions
can be references to your Blogs or Articles (dont forget to include the
GF build that you used and a link to GF website).

Currently, the following projects are listed as needing contributions
(or updates) :

    * Atlassian Confluence :
    * Atlassian JIRA :
    * OpenSSO <>
    * Portal, including WSRP support and 168 support
    * Rome

    * Open ESB
    * Facelets
    * PHP on GlassFish
    * GlassFish and Apache

    * OpenSymphony Projects <> - Your
      experiences with deploying and running any sub project under the
      OpenSymphony project.

I'd also welcome any leads on projects/frameworks that need to be added
to the above list.
